

Community Partners for Self Selected Service Projects


Mt Pleasant, UT 84647

办公室经理:Eduvigez Ramirez
电子邮件地址: e.ramirez@cdlf.org
Phone Number: (435) 580-5080


桑皮特县 儿童司法中心 (CJC) is a homelike facility which serves children and families who are experiencing crisis and chaos that comes with the disclosure of physical or sexual abuse. April is Child Abuse Prevention month and so they have lots of needs


  • 在以法莲CJC的花盆里种花. 请致电LuAnn Greenwell 435-851-9646.
  • Help with Child Abuse Prevention month (pass out flyers, put up pinwheels, help serve pizza if have a family training night, court house kick off with shoes and posters, etc.)请致电珍妮特·约翰逊435-851-7891.
  • 帮助清理、组织和整理CJC. 请致电LuAnn Greenwell 435-851-9646.
  • Create a video for kids to help them know when to report abuse.
  • Create a video to educate Sanpete County residents of the prevalence of child abuse 需要报告.
  • Social Media outreach to raise awareness: Create a Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, etc. account for Friends board of Sanpete County Children’s Justice Center. Look at other similar accounts to see what others look like.


  • 在社区帮助植树. 联系珍妮特约翰逊435-851-7891

桑皮特食品储藏室 provides food and mobile food distribution throughout the county (locations include Mt Pleasant, Gunnison and at Ephraim). 通过交谈来做志愿者 他们的志愿者协调员或访问他们的 志愿服务机会 page. Students at Snow can also help with the pantry's social media and marketing campaigns. Visit the SAGE Center 有关如何提供帮助的更多细节.


资源服装银行 is a place where community members can donate and obtain gently used, clean clothing. There is no cost for the items and is completely run by volunteers. 它是运行在 honor system; take what you need for your family. 最初,它是为了提供帮助 社区中的寄养和收养家庭. 因为所有的慷慨捐赠 that began pouring in, this resource was opened to the whole community. 50 South 100 西,以法莲,周三下午1-7点开放. Contact: njbean11@yahoo.com.


The local elementary schools often need volunteers to help students practice reading (或其他一对一辅导). Contact the principle or front office to see when 你可以去,如果有什么要求的话. 你也可以试试中学. 你可以在这里找到 North Sanpete and 南Sanpete 学区. 其中一些机会也列在 JustServe.org.


Missing spending time with your grandma or grandpa? 在辅助生活中心领养一个 center in Ephraim or similar facilities in your area. 许多老年人需要一些 company, someone to talk to, or someone to play a game with. 提前打电话看看什么时候 你可以浏览 金色天际线辅助生活中心76 North 100 West, Ephraim Utah 84642.
(435) 283-4922


The Science Division hosts monthly Science Night activities, weekly planetarium shows, star parties, fieldtrips, and other science-themed events including a regional Science 奥林匹克邀请赛和数学竞赛. 如果您对这些活动感兴趣,请联系 the SAGE Center or the Science Division Outreach coordinator, Mark Waegner (mark.waegner@emotionsamsara.com) or STEMoutreach@emotionsamsara.com.


Most cities are in need of volunteers to help with various projects in administration, 公园和娱乐场所,图书馆,工程等. 联系你所在城市的管理者. Check other 城市或县城寻找更多的机会.
Ephraim City

  • Shaun Kjar,城市经理
  • 迈克尔·巴顿,娱乐总监
  • 洛里·沃沙尔,图书馆馆长
Manti Library

The Manti City Public Library is in need of volunteers to help with a local Sanpete 县和曼提的历史项目. 这个项目需要在Manti亲自工作 Public Library, though it also has a large online aspect as well.


JustServe.org is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community. 远程和面对面的机会 是可用的.


If you are interested in interfaith efforts, there may be some needs in the local area. 如果您感兴趣,请与SAGE中心联系.



The Zooniverse is the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research. This research is made possible by volunteers — more than a million people around the world who come together to assist professional researchers. Our goal is to enable research that would not be possible, or practical, otherwise. Zooniverse research results in new discoveries, datasets useful to the wider research community, 还有很多出版物.
Visit Zooniverse 然后选择一个项目.


To get you started and trained as a Bristol Volunteer, there is a little paperwork, a few screenings and some online training you can do from home! 请联系志愿者 协调员 holly.smith@bristolhospice.com


Language is critical to a secure an independent life. 在家学习英语 Program's mission is to eliminate the barriers to social and economic opportunity for immigrants, refugees, and non-native English speakers. 我们都是志愿者 一个致力于英语教学的组织.S. 入籍准备和高中 equivalency at no cost, for those in need, worldwide.
Some ELL tutors and students may wish to resume meeting in person. 坚持 current CDC guidelines, all tutors must obtain a signed waiver from students who wish 恢复面对面的学习. All social distancing and mask wearing measures must be observed as per CDC and your state requirements.

Email ana.torres@eslinhome.org 了解更多信息.


访问他们的网站 here
帮忙打电话...从舒适安全的家里开始. These calls will be to help us recruit participants for our virtual walk events and encourage fundraising. 我们将提供谈话要点和发言稿. 请联系桑德拉 Stephens at Sondra.stephens@nmss.org 如果你感兴趣的话.


地方组织依靠捐助者生存. 你可以和当地的非营利组织合作 company to create a GoFundMe campaign to help them raise money for an event or such.
Here is an example 来自一个最近的学生.


拜访他人帮助他人 here.
Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer experience? 我们协助妇女赋权 自己通过就业. 加入我们的志愿者团队,做出改变. Our current 志愿服务机会 include making phone calls to potential clients and other 行政办公室协助. 志愿者必须对 making phone calls, professional communication, have access to a computer, internet 用手机打电话. 联系Sarah Anderson: sarah@phputah.org.



Carol Kunzler, our Snow College outreach librarian, is in need of help with advertising 并向中学生和高中生推广. 她想为大屠杀做广告 图书馆将于明年举办展览. 学生们可以就此与她联系 服务项目,也参观 历史展开 网站及 雪学院历史展开指南 了解更多关于这个项目的信息. http://newspapers.ushmm.org/(链接到外部 site.)
有关该项目的详细信息,请参见 here.


This project includes transcribing, tagging, and preparing historical records for 在网上阅读. 访问他们的网站 here.


现场笔记转录项目 contributes directly to helping collections staff digitize historical field notes to make them readily available for researchers and the public online.
访问他们的网站 here


Visit the犹他州的档案 website.
Have you ever wondered how records get indexed and pages get transcribed? The truth 这是一项大工程,我们需要你的帮助! 犹他州档案局和 Records Service is thrilled to announce that we have partnered with From The Page, an online program for transcribing documents and collaborating on transcriptions with others. 你可以随时随地进行转录! 你所需要的只是一台电脑 internet, the ability to read 19th and 20th century handwriting, and an interest in Utah history.
我们需要帮助的第一个项目是约翰·D. 李氏案件档案,是记录 of the trial concerning his involvement in the 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre. Lee 在1877年被定罪并处决. Click here 开始抄写.